Monday, December 03, 2007

thanksgiving 12/4/07

On Thanksgiving day I went to Connecticut with my sister, mom, and dad. It was a long drive. I think it was at least 2 hours. In Connecticut I saw my cousins, Greg and Robin. They are very tall. Greg is about 6 foot 7. Robin is about 6 foot 5. Greg is only 17 and robin is only 15. On Thanksgiving day, there were about 60 people there for the feast. All the kids sat at one table in one room while the grownups sat at three tables in a different room. After Thanksgiving day we went to my dad's step mom's house. She is married to a man named Bill. Her name is Nina. They are some of the nicest people I have ever met. Nina is an artist. We stayed at their house for 2 nights. One night Nina and Bill brought me and my sister to dinner. My parents went to a party. We went to a Mexican restaurant. Bill pretended it was my birthday and the people who work there sang happy birthday in Mexican language. I also got Fiesta which is a hat in Mexican language. I had a blast. And also the food was GREAT! After that we had to go back to New Jersey. On our trip we had a great time.


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